Monday, May 28, 2012

NATO Gone But Not Forgotten.... Long Live Occupy Chicago✌

I'm GLAD that someone is writing about/commenting on BOTH sides, I'm sick of the Media & sooo MANY others ONLY reflecting on the violence. Of course no one wanted violence to break out, that's a given, but when the issues that Occupy is trying to bring attention to, are so intense protests will occassionally get heated and UNFORTUNATELY it may every now & again get physical. In any case, MOSTLY what I hear are people feeling that should've stayed home & thinking of them as a nuisance, and not enough people appreciating them for being BRAVE enough to get in the trenches and MAKE their voices be heard! Let's also TRY not to forget that the Majority of the arrests for violence consisted of out-of-towners. And that Occupy IS at it's core a NON VIOLENT organization PERIOD. But I personally think that's a little irrelevant, regardless of where everyone in a group hails from, protests will at times go beyond just yelling matches. Sometimes a person's emotions get abrasive. I wish more people would remember, that Sooo MANY of us are apart of the 99%.

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